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Follow Up Letter to New Clients Expressing an Interest

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 20 Apr 2012 | comments*Discuss
Follow Up Letter New Clients Business

A follow up letter to new clients expressing an interest will bring a business back to the client’s attention. The client may not have made a concrete decision between competing companies. The follow up letter is the chance to remind them of the benefits of using your business.

Timescales for Sending a Follow up Business Letter

Once a new client has expressed interest in using your business the follow up letter should be sent as soon as possible. However, the letter should not be rushed and should be thoroughly researched and prepared. If possible it should be sent within the next business day, and at the very latest within a week. Sending out the follow up letter promptly will give a company a professional appearance and help bolster good customer relations.

Intention of the Follow up Letter to New Clients

A follow up letter can have a few significant intentions with regards to the new client. It should act as a reminder of your company and the benefits of using your products and services. The letter can also provide an opportunity to highlight any offers that would be applicable to new clients. The follow up letter is also the proactive approach; your company is proving that they would like to conduct business and are capable of fulfilling the client’s business needs.

Post Meeting Follow up Letters to Clients

If the follow up letter is to be sent after an actual face to face meeting then always mention this in the letter. Express your thanks for the meeting and mention some of the positive aspects that you took from the meeting. A mention can also be made of how you are looking forward to following meetings and the chance to conduct business together. Expressing these sentiments will help to build up a good business relationship.

Content of the Follow up Letter to New Clients

The main points to include in the follow up letter to an interested client will be a recap of the previous correspondence, the benefits of choosing your company, and contact details. A line or two about any special introductory offers or discounts can be just the edge that will make the client choose your company. All contact details should be included in the letter including telephone numbers and email addresses.

Tone of the Follow up Letter to New Clients

Follow up letters should be personalised just enough to give it a friendly but businesslike tone. This is a form of sales letter and you are promoting your company but this should not be done in a heavy handed manner. The client has expressed an interest and this is a form of invitation to your company. The follow up letter should not be pushy or make exaggerated claims. It should simply state what your business can do for the client and the benefits of using your business.

Enclosing Additional Material

The follow up letter may be a simple reply to a client who is looking for additional business literature from a company. If this is the case then sales brochures and sample sheets can be sent and this should always be mentioned in the actual letter. Sending the promotional material is another way of promoting your company and this information should be sent as soon as possible to the client.

Sample Letter to New Clients Expressing an Interest

Name of client
Company Name


Dear client’s name

I would like to express my thanks for the business meeting on (date) and giving our company the opportunity to show the benefits of using (company name). The meeting gave me an excellent overview and insight into your business and I hope that we can work together very soon.

Further to your request I have enclosed a sales brochure with your main business interests highlighted throughout. I am confident that you will find our products an excellent match to your company’s requirements. I would like to bring to your attention the special introductory offer of a 10% discount that is applicable if an order is submitted by (date).

You can place an order through me at (telephone number and email address) or though a member of our customer services team. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you require any further information on any of our products or services.

I look forward to hearing from you and building a happy and long association with your company.

Yours sincerely

Your Name

Enc: product brochure

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Thank you for sharing this excellent article about following up. It has been a wonderful help to focus my email. I have been in the dark as to what to write in a follow-up email after a week of correspondance initiated by a potential client followed by inexplicable silence several days ago.
LydieB - 5-May-11 @ 4:37 PM
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