Human Resources...
Below are our articles on the subject of Human Resources. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Employment Suspension Letter
Employment suspension letters should provide an employee with details about the incident or investigation which has resulted in suspension, details about the…...

Enquiring About Paid Training or Educational Opportunities
Many organisations offer paid training or educational opportunities for its employees. Individuals who would like to enquire about such schemes should include details…...

Guidelines for Office Memos
Office memos are short, specific business communications sent only to targeted individuals. Determining the audience, purpose, organisation and attachments of each…...

Job Offer Letter
Job offer letters must address certain details of the position on offer. Striking the right tone, including the correct information and formatting it as a…...

Letter Advertising Employee Training Opportunities
Sending out a letter advertising employee training opportunities is a good way for organisations to ensure maximum attendance and benefit from the event. Include…...

Letter Advising of a Complaint Against an Employee
Most organisations will receive a complaint about an employee at one time or another. The employee who is the focus of such a complaint should be notified of this, and…...

Letter Advising of Flexitime Opportunities
Flexitime opportunities tend to be greeted with great enthusiasm by employees. Here is an overview of how to communicate new flexitime opportunities to staff...

Letter Informing of an Unsuccessful Interview
Letters informing of an unsuccessful interview are, for the most part, form letters. If more personalised responses are required then more details can be included....

Letter of Reference for Past Employee
How to write a letter of reference for a previous employee....

Letter Regarding Professional Development
Letters regarding professional development activities should include details of the activity, a reminder about professional development obligations, and any…...

Letter to Offer Work Experience or Internship
Letters offering work experience or internship opportunities should convey a sense of excitement as well as specific details regarding the opportunity....

Notification of Promotion Letter
Promotion letters should include details of the new position and information about any requirements, such as applications, interviews, tests or checks, that accompany…...

Professional Letter of Condolence
A letter of professional condolence should express regret over a loss and seek to provide comfort to the deceased’s loved ones....

Termination of Employment Letter
Notification of termination letters should include details of why the employee's employment is to be terminated, details of the termination, appeal options for the…...

Warning Letter to an Employee
Warning letters to employees are formal letters which form part of an organisation's disciplinary procedures. Lletters should include full details of the behaviour…...